Food Eater's World

The common type of commercial bread which is known by many people is the white bread. There are other types of breads that can be made using a bread machine such as wheat bread, high fiber-bread and whole-wheat bread. The procedure used to make these kinds of bread is the same; the difference comes with the variation of particular ingredients when making a particular kind of bread.
When using a bread machine to prepare white bread, it is important to ensure that the bucket within the bread machine has been cleaned well. Similarly the propeller needs also to be clean; there should no particles from the previous bread making on these two parts of thebread machine. You will need water or milk for the yeast to work. After carefully adding the required items on the machine, put them in the bucket and mix them. It is important to set the bread machine to white bread cycle before you begin.

After the dough is well formed, the machine will stop running. Wait for the dough to rise. Remove the dough. Shape it and then bake the bread. When the bread is well cooked, it can be removed, cooled and finally be stored. Making wheat bread using a bread machine is simple. What you need to is have all the ingredients ready and in their correct proportions first. Then, add water, the wheat flour, and the other ingredients. Lastly, add yeast into the bread machine. Proceed to turn on the machine or specify time on the timer if you need to work some time later.

When the dough is formed and has raised well, remove it and bake it. While baking, it is good to have a look at what is happening to the baking dough when it is in the bread machine. After the bread is ready, remove, cool and store it well. Incase you decide to use your bread machine to make whole-wheat bread; it is advisable that after mixing the necessary ingredients, let the mixer to remain in fridge through the night. By doing this, the bread will have a rich flavor. Allow the mixer to rise, knead it and from here you can bake the bread. It is good to consider dividing the dough and shaping it accordingly before baking it. Bake the bread and remove from the oven after it is nicely cooked, cool the bread and store.

If making high-fiber bread, it is important to remember that it is necessary to substitute the kind of flour you are using with fiber. Fiber can be found in dry powdered form from the shops. Have all the ingredients that you need in the correct proportions. Having done the substitution well, add the ingredients as directed into the bread machine and prepare the dough. Leave it rise and when it is okay, remove it and proceed to bake and remove when it is cooked. Store the bread after it cools.





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